Teachmeet 2017


After three years of summer term Teachmeets, I decided it was time for something a bit different.  Instead of a big, two hour event with fifty people, this year, I am running two smaller events, the focus of which will be on sharing best practice and networking with colleagues.  If you are a 2016 Teachmeet delegate, you will have automatically received an invitation.

Teachmeet Mini March 2017 TRANSLATION

On 1st March, we had the first Teachmeet Mini on the theme of translation.  We used our translation skills to translate a text from Esperanto into English.

Esperanto Activity

TRANSLATION Esperanto Activity

This is something that you could use with students to show that translation is as much about skills as about knowledge!

I shared some of the ideas that I have written about it in other posts on this site.  I also shared my latest idea which I call stages of progress.  This is basically making students work independently, without reference materials and gradually building up support.  See the powerpoint here: Stages of Progress